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K Tune

K Tune is a platform that brings together various producers in the name of a common goal – quality music. The platform itself is based on blockchain technology and has an ERC20 token: KTT. The platform is designed to unite different but talented curators in their respective roles for the sake of the final product and ensure fair and fair intellectual property payment for your intellectual property.

As the creators of the platform say – this is the future of music making.

K Tune platform

The trend in the music world these days is collaboration when creating music. K tune is a platform that makes it easier for track instrumental, topline, and lyricist creators to discover each other and work together. As the creators say, whether you are famous or not, the platform combines easy communication between creators and a fair share of the payment of the total work, it works as much as you are talented.

The principle is simple, you create your own CAMP (create your own ticket) on the platform, where you can upload your created song component and write what you are looking for. Also determining what percentage of the song’s profit the co-writer will receive. After finding a partner, communication, and creation moves to a new workspace, adapted for music creation, where you can communicate both via video and simple chat.

You should also keep in mind that there are also professional music creators on the platform who can offer you cooperation when they see your talent. payment on the platform is based on blockchain technology and has an ERC20 token.


It is a new, convenient platform for talented music creators. This is a great chance for unknown but talented people to work with already-known music creators. All you need is talent and skills, and the platform itself will do the rest.