Single Earth project

Single Earth

Planet Earth is a tiny dot in the vast universe. All the human conflicts, ideas, songs, structures are located here. It is our one and only home. Although, the deforestation rates are accelerating. So why are we cutting the trees so badly when we have the green technologies to replace the wood?

Luckily, the Single Earth project took the matter in its own hands to contribute for saving Earth.

Single Earth project

Single Earth project allows the land owners, managers and companies to get finances by having and saving the forests. To put it simple, land owners have the forest, they save it, let it grow and don’t cut trees down for profit. The project rewards the owners with MERIT tokens.

But what if the land owner registers to the Single Earth but still cuts down the trees? No problem. All the land is being monitored with satellites. If the satellites notices the change in the field. The land owner will have to explain what is happening and face the consequences.

We believe that this is a great idea. Saving Earth and its lungs – it is the forests is our top priority. Any project that is concerned about the Earth is a great project.

You can read more about Single Earth project in their official website.

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