Landshare project

Landshare project

Buying a house of flat these days to earn money from a rent can be quite difficult. First of all, you need considerable amount of free funds to buy a property. Secondly, all the expenses like property taxes, insurances, tenant management and maintenances adds up and can be quite bothersome.

What if there was a way to skip these irritating tough steps and earn directly from renting a house or a flat by investing as little as 50 dollars? Well, you are in luck because the Landshare project comes into play.

What is Landshare project?

Landshare project lets simple investors to “buy” a house and become a landlord. Once the house or a flat is rented, the tenant pays the rent monthly to the Lanshare app and the funds are distributed between the shareholders in LAND coins according to the ownership share.

The investor skips all the irritating steps mentioned before such as property taxes, insurances, tenant management and maintenances and only gets the profit in LAND coins. Not to mention, that the price of the coins will grow accordingly when the project gets more and more users which will trade the coins in the cryptocurrency exchanges.

Landshare project YouTube introduction

You can read more about the project in the official Landshare website

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